Community Colour By Number
What a wild and colourful week out at CS Square! Many years ago we organised a mural for children to get involved in painting in a colour by numbers format out in Glen Waverley. We had a great time with this mural, and so when we were asked if we would run it again with a new design for the kids in Caroline Springs we were excited to say yes! Thanks to CS Square and Lendlease, our team drew up the outlines on the 15x2.5m site right in the middle of the shopping centre, before preparing brushes and paint for the young artists. We spent 1 week painting everyday with the youth with hundreds of children involved.
The lead artists involved in the mural creation and facilitation of youth included Supansa, Ben Barek, Suki, and Gigi Gordes. Check out the work in progress images below:

And the finished mural in the shopping centre:
